Title: First report on D-band transceiver front end functional stage tests
Date: 04 jun. 2019
Dissemination: Confidential
Abstract: This report presents the characterization results of the D-band radio transceiver front end building blocks, including the power amplifier (PA), low noise amplifirer (LNA), phase shifter and the quadrature coupler, that have been designed to demonstrate the feasibility of a low-cost SiGe BiCMOS transceiver analog front end enabling link data rate up to 100 Gb/s in D-band. The measurements of a x6 multiplier chain for D-band frequency synthesis are described separately in deliverable D2.5. Both measurements and simulations of the test circuits are compared for all of these important sub-blocks. The main purpose of this document is to complete the reporting on the WP2 task 2.1 and 2.2 design and characterization activities mainly based on the specifications defined in task 1.2 and 1.3 and reported in the deliverables D1.2 and D1.3. Referencig to the specification tables, the measurements of each D-band transceiver front-end functional block are reported together with all the details related to the physical implementation on the ST’s BiMOS055 process.
Keywords: Project overview, achievements, results, exploitation plan, radio technology, millimetre-wave, transceiver, front-end, D-band communications, oscillator, frequency synthesizer, phase noise, power amplifier, BiCMOS, SiGe, power efficiency.