
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (VTT) – Finland

VTT acts as the project coordinator and a leader of WP7 Project management. VTT main contribution is directed to WP3 in which VTT is a WP leader and the main contributor in design of antennas with steering beam functionality. VTT contribute also in WP1 with architecture specifications, WP4 with in house mm waves integration technologies and WP6 with dissemination and exploitation results of the project

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Ceit-IK4 Technology Center – Spain

In the project, CEIT will collaborate in the system specification and in the architecture definition within WP1. CEIT will participate in WP2 designing the phase shifters for the beam steering phase array antenna. CEIT will lead the task related to design a control block for antenna array in WP3. Moreover, CEIT will be responsible for the integration of the transceiver circuits designed within WP2. CEIT will provide technical support during the integration and system validation in WP4.

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Stmicroelectronics srl (st-i) – Italy

ST-I will provide ST’s SiGe:C BiCMOS process for IC chip set fabrication, design support for D-band related ICs and the Design Platform for CAD activities. ST-I will contribute to system, sub-system and components specification definitions. As industry partner and being member of ETSI mWT ISG will provide inputs for wireless small cell market analysis, standardization studies and requirements. ST-I will contribute to the project demo set up and contribute to project management by mainly leading the D-band radio design Workpackage.

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III-V Lab (III-V Lab) – France

III-V Lab will be mainly involved in WP2 dealing with D-band analog transceiver functional block design and test. III-V Lab will be involved also in WP1 to contribute on applications, technology specifications and architectures and dissemination and exploitation results in WP6.

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ERZIA Technologies – Spain

ERZIA will be leading WP4 and in charge of the platform integration and the subsystem validation. To accomplish this goal, ERZIA will collaborate with CEIT in the design of the power supply and microstrip matching circuits and in the demonstrator assembly and test. ERZIA will also work with VTT to design the matching circuits for antennas and the LTCC designs and processing. ERZIA will also collaborate with ALU-I in the design of Base band interface and in the Integration and functional test of the complete unit.

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NOKIA – Italy (Alcatel-Lucent Italy)

ALU-I is leading WP1 with defining specifications and architecture of radio solutions, leading WP5 with responsibility for building a proof of concept demo. ALU-I contribute in WP6 with the standardization and regulation aspects, leading the specific task in this WP.

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Università di Pavia – Italy

The primary role of UPV within the project is the design and test of the Local Oscillator generation circuits for the D-band transceiver with the BiCMOS 55nm technology. UniPV will contribute to the following work packages:

  • WP1: UniPV will contribute by providing the literature overview and preliminary feasibility study for transceiver architecture and spec definition, considering the issues and constraints related the LO generation circuits.
  • WP2: UniPV will contribute by investigating new circuit solutions for efficient D-band LO generation circuits. Test chips will be designed, integrated and characterized in UniPV labs. The target is to advance of the state of the art of LO generation circuits for spectral and power efficient >10Gb/s wireless transceivers in D-band.
  • WP6: UniPV will coordinate these activities as WP leader. UniPV will contribute to dissemination through scientific papers and by promoting the project to students, researchers and professors worldwide by leveraging different communication channels.

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