III-V Lab is an industrial Research Laboratory created in 2004 by Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia) and Thales. Nokia is one of the leaders in communication technologies (mobile, fixed, IP and Optics technologies), applications and services, while Thales is a major electronic systems company acting in a
reas such as defense, aerospace, airlines security and safety, information technology, and transportation. In 2010, III-V Lab was extended with the entrance of the “Laboratoired’ Electronique et de Technologie de l’Information” (LETI) from CEA in the capital, opening the way to hybrid III-V on Si integration. CEA is one of the largest public research organizations in France, acting mainly in the fields of low carbon energies, information technologies, health technologies, large research infrastructures and global security.
Under the guidance of its members, III-V Lab conducts R&D activities in the field of micro/nano-electronics and photonics semiconductor components for different application: telecoms, defense, security, safety, space etc. These activities cover the following topics (i) Photonic Integrated Circuits (PICs) for telecoms; (ii) Micro/nano-electronic circuits for telecoms: 40Gb/s, 100Gb/s and over; (iii) GaN microele
ctronic circuits for microwave and power applications; (iv) High resolution infrared imagery sensors.
III-V Lab is one of the leading industrial laboratories in Europe in the field of very high speed photonic and electronic circuits for telecom and data center interconnect. Based on its long experience in developing state-of-the-art circuits on advanced technologies, III-V Lab is well qualified to design the functional blocks in D-band using the technology capabilities to design the critical functional blocks and integrate them in large RFIC. As the working frequencies are close to the maximum frequency of the device (fmax) divided by 2 (roughly, the intrinsic gain at max current is around 12dB) most of the architectures used at lower frequencies cannot be used as it is and new approaches are required. For instance, a compromise between gai
n, bandwidth, and output power is required for LC networks to minimize the matching losses, stacked devices and inductive feedback.
Main Tasks in the Project
III-V Lab will be mainly involved in WP2 dealing with D-band analog transceiver functional block design and test. III-V Lab will be involved also in WP1 to contribute on applications, technology specifications and architectures and dissemination and exploitation results in WP6.
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