Dec 10

A Compact and High-Linearity 140–160 GHz Active Phase Shifter in 55nm BiCMOS

A paper describing the programmable D-band phase shifter developed within the DREAM project is available on IEEE Xplore:

D. del Rio, I. Gurutzeaga, R. Berenguer, I. Huhtinen and J. F. Sevillano, “A Compact and High-Linearity 140-160 GHz Active Phase Shifter in 55 nm BiCMOS,” in IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, doi: 10.1109/LMWC.2020.3037162.


The paper presents the design of a 140–160 GHz vector-modulator type phase shifter, integrated in a 55 nm BiCMOS technology. The circuit is optimized to minimize the occupied area and maximize the linearity, facilitating its integration in D-band phased arrays. Test results show an average insertion loss of 4.5 dB, an OP1dB of -3.7 dBm and RMS gain/phase errors lower than 1.4 dB and 7.5°. The circuit core occupies 0.05 mm2, consuming less than 66 mW of DC power.

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