Main DREAM interest is about two Work items, the WI# 37 and WI#38: “To facilitate the deployment of fixed service links in the frequency blocks already allocated to fixed services above 92 GHz”.
At this meeting PTSE19 finalized the draft ECC Recommendation for fixed links in the 130-174.8 GHz range, namely D-Band, which will be submitted to WG SE in January for approval for public consultation.
Further work is still needed to finalise the draft ECC Recommendation for fixed links in the 92-114.25 GHz, namely W-Band, and the draft ECC Report for fixed service in 92-114.25 GHz and 130-174.8 GHz ranges.
ECC: Electronic Communications Committee
The ECC brings together 48 countries to develop common policies and non-binding regulations in electronic communications and related applications for Europe, and to provide the focal point for information on spectrum use.
WG SE: Working Group Spectrum Engineering
Inside ECC, WG SE, among others tasks, has in charge to develop technical guidelines for the use of the frequency spectrum by various radiocommunication services;
PT SE 19: Project Team Spectrum Engineering #19
Inside the WG SE, the PTSE19, among others tasks, has in charge for preparing harmonised frequency plans and guidelines for introducing novel broadband applications in the Fixed Service area.
News from 78th ECC PT SE19 meeting.
SE19 met on 4-5 December 2017 at the ECO, Copenhagen (Denmark).
DREAM delegate, from NOKIA (Mario Frecassetti), attended the meeting.
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