Dr. Andrea Pallotta (ST-Micro) presented the paper “SiGe:BiCMOS technology is enabling D-band link with Active Phased Antenna Array” at the European Conference on Networks and Communications 2021 (EuCNC 2021) 8-11... read more →
Dr Jussi Säily, of VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, gives a talk “Advanced mm-wave phased array design” at the symposium, presenting results of the DREAM project and introducing the... read more →
The promising results of DREAM led to its prosecution with a new advanced program “D-band RAdio 5G netwOrk techNology”, DRAGON, officially started in December 2020. The DRAGON project vision... read more →
Advancement of the DREAM project will be presented at 3rd Towards Terahertz Communications Workshop (FRI 12-Mar-2021; online). The workshop will host THz comms researchers from both industry and academia.... read more →
New market demands create a strong connection between packaging & RF. RF electronics is currently experiencing strong growth, driven mostly by 5G requirements and connected devices. Examples of RF electronics... read more →
A paper describing the programmable D-band phase shifter developed within the DREAM project is available on IEEE Xplore: D. del Rio, I. Gurutzeaga, R. Berenguer, I. Huhtinen and J. F.... read more →
During the last ETSI ATTM TM4 #64 meeting, NOKIA presented a contribution on “New Antenna introduction” connected to the DMI ATTM 0451 on “Preliminary study on RPE for 92-114.25 GHz... read more →
During the last ETSI ISG mWT #7 meeting, NOKIA presented a contribution on “New Antennas Classification” as a contribution to current Work Item #27 mWT "Use of innovative antenna systems".... read more →
A paper describing DREAM antennas has been accepted for publication and available on IEEE Xplore: A.Lamminen, J. Säily, J. Ala-Laurinaho, J. de Cos and V. Ermolov, "Patch Antenna and Antenna... read more →
DREAM researcher Mahmoud Mahdipour Pirbazari from the University of Pavia has received a predoctoral achievement award by the IEEE Solid-State Circuits Society https://sscs.ieee.org/membership/awards/predoctoral-achievement-award?highlight=WyJwcmVkb2N0b3JhbCIsImF3YXJkIiwiYXdhcmQncyJd. AIC Lab of the University of Pavia is... read more →
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